A strong core is essential for optimizing performance and preventing injuries. In this post, discover the importance of core stability and stretching exercises for improving your running posture and balance. Get practical tips to strengthen your core and enhance flexibility, ensuring a healthier, more efficient running experience!
A strong core is important to optimise your performance and to prevent injuries. By working on your core, you achieve a better running posture and your body will be in better balance. According to scientists, core stability and stretching exercises are ‘the secret weapons’ to learn to run faster and better. Time to dive in! 😉 In this blog post you see the importance of these exercises and you get some practical tips.
Core stability or trunk stability is a form of training originating from rehabilitation training. Only later did this grow into a real form of training that is useful for both professional and novice runners. So, it is good for you too! Core stability targets the deep muscles in the trunk of your body. More specifically your abdominal and back muscles, but also your diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles are activated. ‘Core’ stands for the core of your body.
“We run with our legs, so I only train my leg muscles.” Wrong! The corset of muscles in your torso functions a bit like the turntable of your body. Almost every movement your make is controlled by your torso. Meaning you certainly benefit from a good core. Do you want to grow and improve as a runner? Then it is best to start strengthening your core. With some easy exercises you can train the core muscles. Over time they will become firmer, making them more resistant to injuries and ailments. The risk of lower back pain also decreases.
Stretching ensures that you become more flexible and that your muscles can relax. When you hold one specific position for a long time or when you have to perform a certain action regularly, stretching can help to relax your muscles.
– Only stretch your muscles when they are sufficiently warmed up.
– Never stretch after a very high intensity effort.
– Always stretch in a relaxed and calm way.
– Do each stretching exercise for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 seconds.
– Stretch until you feel tension. Note: if you feel pain, you are stretching too hard.
– Never do ballistic stretching!