
How do I register in the app?

Registration of your Start 2 Run profile is possible in 3 different ways:

  1. Registration through email and personal password
  2. Registration through Facebook login
  3. Registration through Apple ID

When registering, we register your name, first name and possibly email address. To complete your registration, we will also request your gender and weight. Your first name is used to personalize audio motivations during training, such as "come on, Sarah, you're on the right track. Hold on for a while".

Can I log in to my account in several ways?

If the (available) email address of your Facebook account matches an existing email account, you can log in to your Start 2 Run profile through Facebook as well as through email/password.

A registration through Apple ID ensures that we obtain an encrypted email address from you, so we can never link an existing Start 2 Run profile (through Facebook or email) to an Apple ID login.

Why is my weight being asked?

During the training we give an indication of calorie consumption. Your calorie consumption is calculated based on your duration, average speed and weight. Keep your weight up to date in your profile to always obtain the most correct calorie calculation.

Are my personal data safe?

Yes, we do everything we can to keep your personal data safe.